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Homestay Is a Popular Alternative to the Housing Crisis - Here's Why

The housing crisis has been an issue in many...



January 22, 2024

The housing crisis has been an issue in many parts of the world. This has affected several sectors, from those looking to buy their first home to those looking for somewhere to rent to international students looking for accommodations. Various countries have also had trouble finding accommodations for new students coming in to study. This has become even more of an issue as international travel and studying have increased again after a dip during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Fortunately, there are options for international students that can help to resolve the issue, such as homestay packages. In fact, homestay has been incredibly beneficial for international students during the housing crisis.

Continue reading to learn why this has become such a popular option.

What are Homestays?

Homestays are when an international student stays with a host family within the country they are studying. This is typically done through a homestay agency, which helps to create an arrangement between a suitable host and student. However, the recent crisis has also created many situations where hosts simply allow students to rent rooms or beds without an agency.

Whatever the case, it has helped many students have a place to live during their studies without paying exuberant costs.

The Benefits of Homestay Housing

There are numerous benefits to homestay housing for both the host and international student. Let’s take a look at some of the largest benefits.


Homestay housing is typically much more affordable than other housing options. Students are only paying for a single room and board rather than having to put up the cost of their own apartment or dorm.

The costs can vary depending on the meal provisions and other amenities, but it is generally cheaper than the costs for a student to live independently.

Cultural Experience

One of the most significant benefits of homestay housing options is that it gives both parties a cultural experience. Students get to experience the culture and traditions of their host family fully. The host can teach the student about the local or national culture, share family traditions, and much more.

Conversely, students get to teach their host about their culture and traditions back home.

See the Area Through the Eyes of a Local

Most people who have spent time in a foreign country will know the value of local knowledge. Having a local who can explain the area helps visitors experience it through their eyes. Students who stay with a host won’t have to worry about all their questions about their new location, as they will have someone to ask.

Hosts can tell the students about all the secret best spots, good places to eat, where to avoid, and what to visit. This is knowledge that any international visitor may have difficulty finding in any other circumstance.

A Family-Like Bond

A homestay arrangement may only be temporary, but in many cases, the host family and student develop a family-like bond. Many students stay in touch with their host families long after returning home and even arrange future visits.

Those staying away from home can end up feeling homesick, but having the feeling of a second family in their host can significantly help these feelings. Nothing will replace their family back home, but it's certainly nice to have a bonus family as well.

Improve Language Skills

Some of those studying abroad may already have learned a lot of the local language, but others may still be working on it. Whatever the case, a homestay arrangement offers ample opportunity to work on it.

Regularly conversing with a host family gives the student an easy way to practice their new language, learn slang, and ask any questions they have.


When finding a homestay house through a homestay agency, students can be confident in their safety during their stay. Agencies typically vet the host family, where they live, arrangements, and more. This informs the student of their living arrangements and lets them be confident in their safety.

Otherwise, when trying to find local living arrangements, they may not know which areas are unsafe or less ideal.

StudentRoomStay Can Help You with Your Homestay Arrangements

If you are considering homestay housing for your study abroad, StudentRoomStay is here to help. There are many homestay agencies to choose from, and we pride ourselves on being the most recognized service provider for international students. We offer packages for high school and college students, which include the following:

College Students

Our homestay services for college students offer the following.

  • Vetted family
  • SRS international app
  • SRS support
  • Pre-arrival information
  • Host information
  • Check-in protection

High School Students

SRS packages for high schoolers include:

  • Guardianship
  • School transportation
  • Daily meals
  • Monthly check-in
  • SRS premium support
  • Everything in SRS Pro+

We will stay in communication with you and your host throughout the duration of the stay to ensure that it remains a happy arrangement. For further information, contact StudentRoomStay today or visit our student page to get started! We are excited to help you begin your journey abroad to study.