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What to Do If You Don’t Get Along With Your College Roommate

Written by StudentRoomStay | 9/8/21 4:16 PM

Having a roommate can be a headache at times. For example, sharing a tiny dorm with someone who may wake you up in the middle of the night or is messy is all part of what can make the roommate experience a little less enjoyable. 

Some roommates are assigned randomly while others may have been previously friends. Nevertheless, both can lead to unideal living situations. 

Many college students have roommates that they don't get along with at some point. However, it is important to address this situation to prevent you or your roommate from living uncomfortably in college. Here is our best advice on what to do if you don’t get along with your college roommate:


Just like with any relationship, communication is key. The first step in resolving your differences is by acknowledging them. Recognizing and having a better understanding of why your roommate acts the way they do can make things more acceptable. Some roommates may be difficult or reluctant to talk. However, it can make your living situation a lot more enjoyable. Think of it as something that must be done, such as a challenging homework assignment. In the end, you feel a lot better than you did beforehand. 

Worst-case scenario, you may just drop the whole thing and find a new roommate. However, depending on your school, this can be a long and stressful process that doesn’t always come with successful results. If it is an easy process at your school and you feel there are no other options, switching roommates may be the best option. After all, college is a learning experience, not only academically, but also in growing up. 


Set Boundaries

Hopefully your roommate is not reluctant to talk and both of you can get past your differences. Maybe this means setting boundaries that are more strict than you initially thought were necessary. Boundaries are essential to living with somebody else, especially somebody that you are not close with. The root of your issues may come from your roommate’s living style and habits. Maybe they are off-putting and unnatural to you, but keep in mind that they may feel the same about you. Creating schedules, keeping in mind a roommate’s class times, and being courteous of relationships are all necessary to make a roommate relationship work. 


Look at the Big Picture

College life can be unlike anything you have ever experienced before. It requires adapting and changing to new surroundings. It also presents challenges unlike any other. But keep in mind that these challenges are part of transitioning into adulthood. Sometimes, the best thing to do if you are having trouble with your roommate is to look at the bigger picture. Figure out the good and bad that will come from either changing roommates or keeping them. Are there any further consequences? Maybe your relationship with your roommate is affecting other aspects of your life. Decide which course of action will bring the most positive impacts to your immediate and long-term future.

If you’ve tried every possible solution, maybe it is time to look into the necessary steps to change your living arrangements. Depending on what you are comfortable with, this may require you to change units. Either way, don’t beat yourself up over it. Sharing a tiny space is hard, and getting along with a college roommate is not always the easiest.

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